A long time ago I had made a google form for people to send anonymous data of the bot's efficiency in Arena.
It's been too long that I haven't used it but someone contacted me, in my disposable gmail account, to make the collected responses datasheet editable for them as well.
I'm sorta paranoid so I would only share if someone contacts me in the forum to ask for it, so that I can verify it's someone from the forum and not Blizzard or a Bot looking to make some weird script run through the sheet, which is not very hard really.
If anyone wants, I can send the collected data, the form is outdated though, imagine it was very heavily concentrated in silverfish.
I just made a more relevant form concentrating in Vision A.I.
If anyone is interested I could make them the admin since I've lost my belief in botting in arena and thus stopped being interested in collecting said data.