I'm currently testing Zoo with the vision AI on one of my account with a 60+% ranked win rate.
Heres the Deck:
2 x Flame Imp
2 x Possessed Villager
2 x Voidwalker
2 x Darkshire Councilman
2 x Ravenous Pterrordax
2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Acherus Veteran
2 x Argent Squire
1 x Prince Keleseth
1 x Blood Knight
2 x Deathspeaker
2 x Devilsaur Egg
2 x Defender of Argus
2 x Saronite Chain Gang
2 x Skelemancer
2 x Bonemare
I'm still working on a mulligan file for the deck, but look for 1 drops and remember the earlier you bring out Prince Keleseth, the more benefit you get across the match.
Acherus Veteran serves two purposes here. It can either help a minor minion push through a stubborn obstacle, or just give you a teeny-tiny bit of extra reach for getting over the finishing line. More likely the former!
Prince Keleseth grants every minion in your deck an extra + 1 / +1 of stats when played, as there are no 2-Mana minions to worry about in this particular version of the deck.
Saronite Chain Gang provides you with more board presence, and a very handy defensive wall for your minor minions to hide behind.
Deathspeaker not only provides a decent body on the board, it also grants a friendly minion immunity on the current turn - handy for taking out a problematic presence on the board.
Skelemancer represents an enormous problem for your opponent, and does much to stave off AOE issues.
Bonemare again provides you with more fast damage on the board, while at the same time providing additional defenses.