Currently one of the best decks in the meta, with a lot of different variations, but the core cards in this deck are bugged for the bot. Even though the bot cannot play this deck well, by simply playing big jade golems, it will still be able to take many wins in higher ranks because of the control meta.
The first problem is Jade idol. The bot uses the shuffle 3 jade idols into the deck every time even though it already has like 50 of them in the deck. I think this needs to be fixed. The first jade idol should always summon a jade, then the rest is shuffle. If its possible, maybe add like a counter or jade cards for the bot so that when it reaches 1, it shuffles jade idols, otherwise it should only play jade golems. This has been pointed out a few months ago and hasn't seen any change yet.
Second is ramping. The main goal of jade druid is to cheat out the mana curve and play high tempo minions with lots of mana. The bot looks like it rather kill a shitty 1/1 minion with wrath rather than using ramp and taking one damage. With mire keeper, it seems to like to summon the 2/2 a lot instead of ramping. Idk how you can code this but it should really prefer ramping. Nourish is also broken as it seems to prefer ramping for mana even when it has 8-10 mana for some reason, rather than just playing cards.
Innervate is also pretty bad as it prefers to innervate for one mana half the time to use a swipe or something to clear the board. The bot seems to favour the board so much more than playing minions from its hand that can contest the board, a problem that hasn't been looked into for a while now.
Spell use/value. I feel like there isn't enough value in ultimate infestation because the bot seems to prefer killing 1/1 minions with its hero power instead of using a super high value card to gain a massive lead. It also just randomly uses earthen scales instead of saving it for a big golem or something. I think this problem needs to be looked into as I have reported these misplays a lot but it doesn't seem to get attention.
Also with jade druid, the decision making of the bot usually takes so long that it always ropes and runs out of time to make a turn.
Auctioneer needs to be low value unless it can use spells to draw.
Also while im here, I feel like all the new hero powers need adjusting for value because they're all used very badly. Hunter picks the highest cost minion, mage prefers to not finish 1 hp minions for a free 3/6 and Shaman evolves a minion it plays rather than a minion that is damaged. Theres also the babbling book, 1/1 add random best to hand problem where its over valued af, and it coins out babbling book on turn one leaving one extra mana for some reason.