Hello, I noticed that my bot runs out of time quite often and is not able to click "End turn", sometimes even can't do all attacks and runs out of time with eg. 5 minions not attacking.
This usually happens if there are 5+ minions on table, or 3+ minions and bot is casting buff spells/other minions and recounting each time what will happen next. Now I run aggro druid deck (by scottbreak's decks for vision A.I.)
I run bot in virtual box PC (->it does not interfere with my working desktop), so I thought it was slow virtual PC (with assigned 4x2.8GHz cores, 4GB RAM, 256MB GPU) and lowered bot settings:
4 VICPU, 4 threads, 2 sec waittime, 7 deep queue. However, the situation is not better, not even a little bit, bot keeps running out of time multiple turns nearly every game. Then I noticed it sometimes runs calculations, then does nothing and runs calculations again. And sometimes it tries to attack with minions it already attacked with, or use hero power multiple times unsuccessfully, each time running new calculation between. Sometimes it calculates once and does 5+ actions in a row, sometimes it calculates after every single attack with minion and tries to do many unsuccessful attacks (already attacked).
Do you simply think that my PC is slow, or is there any possible bug/solution for this situation?
Thank you for any info!