You do you dude. I used my 2 hours a day (no idea what the trial is anymore) for like two months, realized what I could accomplish with the bot. Bought a full license and have been sailing ever since. As a 'developer' you should know that it isn't free to run the site or host the bot. Also, you are literally on a forum where people have figured out the bot, so I have no idea what you mean they only figure out one piece at a time. With 2 hours or 10 games a day you could hit rank 5. For free...
As for arena... Are you serious? I have no idea how Joy plans to update it for arena, but I can't imagine its easy. You could draft a control mage and have to have files to A) Draft for control after getting a few cards. B) Know how to play out the deck in each game vs other classes. C) Manage to beat real players who are putting in gold to the arena and as such will likely notice that the bot is a bot and use it for free wins. So.... Go somewhere else?