I can not confirm that.
I try this Deck with Hearthranger, but AI and Silver is so stupid. I can not watch this, its only Missplay.
Have 40% after 15 Games.
- The Bot Hero-Attacks with Weapon from Atish, instead of using a high mana cast.
- The Bot do not play 10 Mana Nzoth Card
- The Bot try to get a another secret from Deck with battlecry, but's its Reno-Deck, there is just only 1 secret in ur deck
- The Bot do not understand how to play Sylvana Wundrunner and do not get tho logic. He play Windrunner, & Doomcaller and attacks and kill Windrunner and gives Opponent Doomcaler? WTF???
- The Bot do not understand how to clear Board with Blizzard + Doomcaller
- The Bot do not know how to play Doomcaller in anyway, its play doomcaller when Opponent has more then 7 Damage on Board, there is no logic behind
- The Bot do not know how to play Sylvanas Windrunner in anyway, there is no logic behind