The bot takes a long time to do some turns, and attacks in weird orders, making it obvious that its a bot at times. e.g. when it takes damage to the face, it waits for like 5 seconds to recalculate everything (from weapon attack). The bot should take into account the damage taken to face when using a weapon, and also, attack the minions in proper order.
The suggestion i had for cards being added to the hand should only count for drawing cards that the bot can't know what is, and make sure the bot plays these rng add cards first when its part of the play. If its hard to code the bot to know that a certain card adds a specific card, (e.g. firefly adds a 1/2) then the bot should always just play the cards that adds something to your hand first and recalculate rather than attack first, play minions then play the firefly, then stop for 10 seconds to think, then attack with another minion then play firefly. Not only will it look less like a bot, but this order is very important basic of hearthstone. (reckful mentioned this on stream)
Also when the bot has lethal, it likes to play all its cards before killing the opponent. This could be called "bm" but its suspicious and can be called out by people. (saw this on an old reddit post about piarte warrior bots)
Also, card buffs are weird. Instead of being efficient with the damage the buff gives, it just buffs the strongest minion and trades inefficiently. (reckful called it out on stream one day when the bot buffed a minion with blessings of kings weirdly)
I've reported all these cases but i wanted to point and and give suggestions on things that cant really be reported in the misplay section.