There are a few firefly interactions which result in many misplays in the bot. When the bot makes a play, it usually calculates what to do first, then makes the play.
For example, when the bot has a mark of the lotus + firefly in hand, it plays the firefly, then buffs the minions on board, then plays the other 1/2 after using the buff which is a big misplay.
Similarly, when the bot calculates a play with arcane intellect, warlock hero power etc, it usually uses it last.
My recommendation is that if the bot calculates that its going to play a card that will add another card to its hand, it should play that card first, and then it should recalculate what to do after the card is added to the hand. Then it continues to play the turn with the new card rather than planning the turn and ignoring that cards that will be added to hand.
(also wanna mention that vicious fledgling just adapted taunt instead of windfury as i was typing this. triggered. :))