Here is a popular deck to climb up to rank 15 or higher (Standard) with Hearthranger(v., with vision a.i., all default settings + Mulligan.json file.
Kill Command,2
Animal Companion,2
Tundra Rhino,1
Unleash the Hounds,1
Savannah Highmane,2
Scavenging Hyena,2
Eaglehorn Bow,2
Fiery Bat,2
Kindly Grandmother,2
Jeweled Macaw,2
Crackling Razormaw,2
Stampeding Kodo,1
Rat Pack,2
Nesting Roc,2
Deadly Shot,1
"ConfigComment":"This is mulligan rules file.",
"comment": "always keep Alleycat,Jeweled Macaw,Crackling Razormaw,Kindly Grandmother,Scavenging Hyena,Eaglehorn Bow",
"condition": "*",
"comment": "Animal Companion - keep it only if you have a 1-drop or 2-drop already",
"condition": "*",
"comment": "Rat Pack only with coin",
"condition": "coin",
"comment": "Houndmaster – On Coin, with a sticky Beast like Kindly Grandmother. T2 Grandmother into T3 Coin + Houndmaster is a really powerful tempo play.",
"condition": "coin",
"comment": "discard all cards not listed as hold",
"condition": "*",
How to setup?
1. create the deck with auto deck loader or manually, let's say name it as [mid38]
2. create a directory under hearthranger's [CustomConfig] dir named [my_mid38_config].
3. open [deck_config.ini] under [CustomConfig], add the following line:
4. select standard ranked mode in task editor, select deck as [mid38], then start botting.