Rank: Newbie
Groups: Registered
Posts: 2
Thanks: 1 times
Hello, I'm struggeling to make a working mulligan file with Vision AI. I read the online help and it says the value order matters top to bottom. According to this, I believe that in both Mulligans both cards should be held. But it always discards the one which hold value is on the top. Mulligan.json
"ConfigComment":"This is mulligan rules file.",
"comment": "Hold Crackling Razormaw (UNG_912)",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",
"comment": "Hold Jeweled Macaw (UNG_915)",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",
"comment": "discard all cards not listed as hold",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",
Outcome: http://imgur.com/a/mkqeo
"ConfigComment":"This is mulligan rules file.",
"comment": "Hold Jeweled Macaw (UNG_915)",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",
"comment": "Hold Crackling Razormaw (UNG_912)",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",
"comment": "discard all cards not listed as hold",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",
Outcome: http://imgur.com/a/GB50D
Maybe i don't understand the whole concept and it would be nice if someone could help me understand :) (My actual unfinished Mulligan file below, maybe anyone has an idea how to make it work)
"ConfigComment":"This is mulligan rules file.",
"comment": "Hold Alleycat, Fiery Bat, Jeweled Macaw, Raptor Hatchling, Kindly Grandmother, Scavenging Hyena",
"condition": "*",
"comment": "Hold Crackling Razormaw, Dire Wolf Alpha if its the only 2 Drop in hand, or there is already a 1 Drop in hand",
"condition": "my_hand(count(),cost=2)<=1 OR my_hand(count(),cost=1,beast=true)>=1",
"comment": "Hold Crackling Razormaw, with coin and second 2 Drop",
"condition": "coin AND my_hand(count(),cost=2)>1",
"comment": "Hold Animal Companion if there is a 1 or 2 Drop in hand",
"condition": "my_hand(count(),cost=1)>=1 OR my_hand(count(),cost=2)>=1",
"comment": "discard all cards not listed as hold",
"condition": "my_hero(count(),hunter) > 0",