Originally Posted by: kke2724 
Hi, so I've figured out how to copy the module for the silverfish to the right directory for mulligan, decklist, settings, combo, discovery, etc,...
but say if I wanted to utilize 2 or more different module builds from different people and for different classes even, how do I make sure the bot is using the module I want it to use?
For example, right now this is what my hearthranger directory looks:
Downloads\HearthRanger\ExternBot\silverfish\Data\Warrior\Scottbreak's Standard Pirare Aggro Warrior
in the last folder, I have the decklist, mulligan, combo txt files
but if I were to have a different module named say, silverfish\Data\Warrior\Test Warrior
how do I make the bot switch between these 2 different modules?
I don't quite get it... Are you asking about automatically switching configs for different decks?
If so, let's say you have a Warrior deck, AAA, and a Druid deck, BBB.
If you put Warrior files into ~/SilverFish/Data/Warrior/AAA/ and put Druid files into ~/SilverFish/Data/Warrior/BBB/, SF will load the correct configs when you switch decks and you don't have to worry about anything.
Detailed explanation can be found
And just an example of how they look in my PC.