BLIZZARD LAUNCHER ERROR SUPPORTBeing a automation junkie, I've build a fully automated HR Bot Server wish boots at 7 am and stops when daily quests are done and the 24 hour 100 gold is earned.
There are still lots of little things that makes the automation unreliable because HR does not know how to react to simple errors mentioned below.
- Blizzard app needs updating
- Your Blizzard account has logged in somewhere Else (Click on Reconnect and try to click on the Play botton)
- Being able to detect OK, Relaunch, Reload, Restart, Retry and Reconnect buttons
I am still waiting for 'when click on play HR clicks on PLAY on the Blizzard Launcher' and starts it's daily routine.
This (to my knowledge) is only supported with the scheduled start option.
Thank you for your time,
PS: And being able to detect "This program no longer works" If Hearthstone crashes that HR click on Close to start the game again ;)
PSS: And "Oops!" game crashes.
When Hearthstone seems it's working properly but in fact it has frozen but the animations still animate.
PSSS: Being able to detect when Hearthstone does nothing that HR Quite the game and restarts it.