As we all know, ranking up in standard or wild, there are few decks that help you to reach the goal that you're aiming to.
in the last few days i was thinking of which feature could really help the bot on the ranking mode.
i thought: the bot knows how to play each card in the best way but it doesn't know which decks are the most used on ranking and which deck my opponent is playing.
why don't we help it creating few .txt's where we put the meta decks, organized per class, so it can read which cards the opponent could play against us?
we can mod the bot to read the cards used from the opponents and find the right .txt, while it is waiting for our turn.
maybe it's not so easy to put in words and create a feature like this, but if we build the .txt's with the most used meta decks for the current season, the bot can try to guess which card will play the opponent..
there's already a line where you can put at which mana the bot have to play that card..
hope you can understand my idea :D ^_^