I obviously know much less than both of you, It was my understanding that settings made for a huge difference.
Basically I was thinking about not so much making mulligan and combos for meta decks but rather a tool that a new player, both in hearthstone and to botting can use.
Like I said, I myself am casual at botting as well as the game itself.
I have very few of the cards needed to make competent decks but I would still like to optimize the few decent decks I can make that the bot can actually play well.
People like you guys of course have a much deeper understanding of the coding necessary, the bot's limitations and you can very quickly, easily and intuitively create custom files.
This is not a program meant for people like you.
I'm not suggesting automation like "Hey here's my deck give me a good mulligan file and combo synergies", the individual user will still need to know which cards are best to keep, which to drop, create sets of cards that are best to hold if they come up on your opening hand etc.
What I'm suggesting is a sort of "gateway" for people who know nothing about the card codes and commands required and are either too busy or feel too overwhelmed to even attempt it. Please understand that for non technical people opening the carddb file is kind of daunting.
It would be useful for people just starting out with new accounts after they've gained some packs and the basic decks and their settings are no longer useful to them.
It could also be used to quickly make mulligan and combo rules for a specific arena run that maybe by making custom files will get you just one more win.
I don't know your userbase but just to run some statistics
I can suppose it's likely 50% of your active users create even some rudimentary files
Let's say that 5-10% of them actually open these files and become better accustomed to the mechanisms of the bot
Out of those 1% of them turn out to be methodical thinkers that can milk every ounce of capability a deck has
That would still be positive for the bot as a whole, how big of an impact it would make I don't know and that has to do, as I said, with your userbase.
I realize your personal purpose with the bot is meta capable decks but I'm pretty sure most people using it are poor gold farmers like myself, I believe that's why you are endorsing the basic decks made by Olegrock.
In any case, I made my arguments for it.
Obviously you guys are better suited to answer if it's needed or even if it's useful.
Thank you for your great work and your attention to my suggestion.
sepefeets;42842 wrote:I have a feeling you probably know about HSBToolbox already, it does exactly what you're asking for with HB (HSB, w/e) format mulligans which my SF also supports but it might behave differently than HB if you have a mix of hold/discard rules.
No I didn't know about it, I gather it's pretty close to what I'm suggesting.