They are really old, but they use only the starter cards which have been around for a while. So there really isn't ever going to be a real update for them. If you make them and have trouble winning i'd spend a hour or two tanking your mmr in causual (auto forfeit at the start of each game) eventually you will only be placed against the worst players or other players that have done the same. The decks should still be able to beat the worst/newest players. Remember to also select (auto forfeit after each win) so your mmr doesn't climb back up. Tbh, within a few days you should have enough gold/dust to build a much better deck. Like a zoo, face hunter, or aggro shaman deck. As the bot will never tire of playing the same boring deck, when you start out you really only need to focus on building one decent deck and dust anything that isn't needed in that deck. After you have your decent deck you can worry about saving for other things.
As far as rank goes it is pretty unimportant. Rank 15 gives you a nice golden rare at the end of each month, and you only need rank 20 to get the cardback. Any of the basic decks will get you to rank 20, and any halfway decent deck (should take you a couple days to make) should be able to get you to 15.
Edit: for example you could make downfoot's totem shaman deck with the dust you get from the free starter packs, and he runs his thing with the default ai... just remember to tank your mmr first and you should see similar results.