So, I had some spare time and observed the bot. Here are some misplays I noticed in version of the bot. I used JoyAdmin's Silverfish with these settings:
I haven't checked other classes yet and I don't have some WOG cards that should be tested.
1) Sometimes doesn't use Rockbiter Weapon with Doomhammer where it would be more efficient. Instead the bot uses it on a minion and misses a lot of potential dmg. It is rather situational though, but the combo Doomhammer + Rockbiter should have higher priority.
2) Doesn't position Thing From Below and Flamewreathed Faceless right. When there is empty place on the right or left side of Flametongue Totem, the bot plays these cards randomly, often leaves one of the sides of the totem empty.
3) Misses a totem when playing Thing From Below. Example: the player has 5 mana, Thing From Below costs 4 mana already. It would be more efficient to create another totem (2 mana), which will reduce the cost of TFB (it will cost 3 mana then). Instead the bot plays TFB for 4 mana.
1) The bot doesn't play "forbidden ritual" to buff "darkshire councilman". I had 2\5 councilman on board (ready to attack), forbidden ritual in hand, 8 mana and the enemy had 3 HP. Bot didn't play forbidden ritual, just played another card and missed lethal.
2) The bot sometimes put darkshire councilman on table after it put some other minions, so councilman loses some potential attack.
1) Not so sure about this, but I noticed the bot doesn't wait for the rng of the Flamewaker. There were 2 enemy minions on the board, with 2 health and 1 health. After playing a spell, the Flamewaker attacked a 1-health minion with its random ability and killed it, and then the bot wanted to attack this dead minion again using the Flamewaker minion itself, but there was no enemy already, so only after that the bot did re-calculations and attacked another minion.
2) Sometimes the bot uses hero ability (fireblast) incorrectly. There was an Ironbeak owl (2\1) on the board, the bot used Fireblast on the enemy hero instead of killing 2\1 minion, it is misplay for control option. Here is the log (the situation starts from Line 525 and ending the Line 624). It is not the first time something like that occurs.
3) The bot tries to use Shatter on a non-frozen minion. The same log as above, starting Line 1618.
4) The bot doesn't wait for the rng results of Arcane Missiles. The enemy got 2 minions, one of them was Sorcerer's Apprentice (2 health). Arcane Missiles managed to kill the minion, but the bot wanted then to attack the dead minion with Fireblast. Starting Line 178.
General issues
1) The biggest issue that really needs to be solved: the bot can't use discovery mechanic, it just takes random card, without even considering current board situation.
2) Problem with order. The issue is that the bot sometimes use spells before attacking enemy. For example. I had 2 hellfires in my hand and some minions on board and that was lethal. The bot attacked with some minions then used hellfire then attacked again and then another hellfire. The bot should have attacked with all minions first and only then used 2 hellfires, but instead of that it used hellfire and killed a minion that could attack. Line 1725-1779.
1) A misplay with enemy Mage + Ice Block. I got a lethal on my board, the enemy mage got 4 health and a secret (it was Ice Block 2 times in a row). It would be efficient to deal 3 dmg (i got such minion) to the enemy to lower its health to 1 point and then activate its Ice Block, but instead the bot attacks with a minion that can one-shot it, and activates Ice Block with 4 health left.
2) The bot uses heals when the enemy has Holy Champion on board (there was no real need in healing). Your heals also buff this enemy minion. (more info: