Hi, peeps :)
I've been running this deck in unranked/casual mode for the past 2 weeks with good success. With the issues others are having since the Old Gods patch, I figured I'd share it. This has been working well since before the last HR patch. The deck utilizes simple combos, minions that contest for board control, and decent card draw with sticky minions that make this a bot-friendly deck.
I consistently get 28 to 30 wins per 4 hour session. I don't have deck tracker stats. I like to only have Hearthstone and Hearthranger running to keep my machine resources as free as possible as my computer isn't that powerful.
I've seen the bot do a few strange things, like playing a 1-drop on turn 1, then waste the coin and end turn. Or it may not get full value from cult master card draw. But overall, it plays competently.
- Default A.I.
- Fast A.I. Mode
- DeckRules_Default
- Auto concede if last game won
- Maximum random wait time between actions: 0 ms
- Show mouse movement path: 60
- Mouse Hovering when idle: 13
- Never reply to opponent's emotes
- Decline friend invites
Hunter's Mark x1
Fiery Bat x2
Glaivezooka x2
Flame Juggler x2
Huge Toad x1
King's Elekk x2
Animal Companion x2
Kill Command x2
Unleash the Hounds x1
Carrion Grub x2
Cult Master x1
Houndmaster x2
Infested Wolf x1
Piloted Shredder x2
Loatheb x1
Sludge Belcher x2
Savannah Highmane x2
Dr. Boom x1
Call of the Wild x1
Some Notes:
- Fiery bat, Flame juggler, and Huge Toad are great at countering enemy aggro decks with 1-health minions
- Glaivezooka works great in buffing these cheap minions and allowing to trade up, or to keep minions alive
- Carrion grub/Houndmaster is great for stopping opponents in their tracks
- Call of the Wild is such a great card and a win condition should the game last that long.
Substitutions (I've tested these and get about the same win rate):
Dr. Boom >> Sea Giant
Infested Wolf >> Ram Wrangler
All the best and good luck