I feel that im pretty much done with my these deckrules and i am now going to try and make some silverfish decfkrules!
Works well with pretty much all variations of "Face shaman"! All you need to keep in mind is that "Sir Finley Mrrgglton" doesn't work well with the bot... (Or so i have been told)

Example deck:
Slowly crawling down the ladder, currently at rank 14
Abusive Sergeant × 2
Tunnel Trogg × 2
Argent Squire × 1
Earth Shock × 1
Lightning Bolt × 2
Rockbiter Weapon × 2
Flametongue Totem × 2
Flame Juggler × 2
Eternal Sentinel × 2
Totem Golem × 2
Ancestral Knowledge × 1
Argent Horserider × 2
Tuskarr Totemic × 1
Feral Spirit × 2
Lava Burst × 2
Flamewreathed Faceless × 2
Doomhammer x 2
Known issues
Doesn't properly use "Earth shock" to bypass taunts.
Misplaces "Flametongue Totem" sometimes.
"Abusive Sargent" sometimes buffs other minions then one of those who can attack.