sepefeets;36604 wrote:No you can not. Combo rules only specify cards to play together but it DOES NOT dictate the order they will be played in for a single turn. Silverfish always decides the order of cards on the same turn by itself.
One thing that really screws up knife juggler ordering in silverfish is to have play around secrets enabled but you already have it disabled in the settings you posted omgfrost. With play around secrets enabled it seems to ALWAYS play juggler last if the opponent has a secret, but with it disabled or no enemy secrets it seems like it plays juggler first when there is high odds of succeeding with knife throws (like a combo with muster/implosion) but sort of a coin flip on the order otherwise.
You can value up the other cards so knife juggler has a lower value then them with the cardvalue command. Also since the knifes in knife juggler are mostly for early board controll, you can make sure in combo that knife juggler is like coined out before other mobs or played on turn 2 for sure. Still you are adressing to a AI which hasnt been updated for months atm. Soon we will have mulligan and combo in default AI, that fill fix some things.
I must say tho, the problems you encounter with the loops i have never seen. I use silver AI and hit rank 4 for atleast the last 6 seasons (some rank 5 before that) with decks using knife juggler (zoo-lock, secretadin, mid-range hunter (all have knife juggler)