I was curious about bots and decided to try one myself and created a new account just for that. I wanted to play with my real account against the bot.
I am not impressed. It can play, yes. But very poorly. Often it will play a one-drop in the first turn, coin and end turn, rather than coin and two-drop.
It seems to spend a lot of time trying to attack with the same minion many times or use hero power several times. Right now I have it running and have just seen it miss lethal because it ran out of time while attacking.
Playing druid in arena: first turn has Innervate, coin and Puddlestomper. It plays Innervate and
Puddlestomper, rather than coin Puddlestomper.
Trying to play living roots but ran out of time while choosing.
On the other hand it has a Silver Hand Regent understands using the hero power. … some of the way. Druid again hunter. Hunter has a secret. Silver Hand Regent on the board. It chooses to hero power before attacking with the Silver Hand Regent. I would say attacking first would have been better in case of an Explosive Trap
On my! It is agonizing to watch: It just played Force of Nature but ran out of time while attacking.
BTW the very first pack opened on the bot account had a King Mukla. Not very well deserved if you ask me ;-)