A few days ago I discovered the silverfish part of this bot which I began to try. I started to use some of my own decks to test a little around. I found that this shaman mech aggro deck did a really good job with the bot. I started on
rank 17, I came to
rank 13 with this deck. In the first place it had a
65% win ratio when hopping to rank 13. After rank 13 it I dropped to 15 and so did the winratio to ~50%. I use basic face/aggro settings for this deck. I don't use any custom _mulligan or _combo, allthough I think if someone could make the _mulligan & _combo for this deck it would be allot better and easy can reach rank 10 or maybe higher. Unfortaintly I'm not familliar with the coding of this program or the language of the settings.txt,_mulligan.txt and _combo.txt. If somebody is intrested in making those and post the deck to the community it would be very nice!
The power of this deck if very underestimated. The deck contains the card fel reaver a 8-8 5 mana drop which u can also play on turn 4 if u have mech wraper on ur bord. Allthough the passive of this card is if the enemy plays a card ur top 3 cards of ur deck will discard. Most of the times having a fel reaver on ur board can win ur game cause on turn 4 or 5 the enemy player cant play more then 1 or 2 cards at a time. This gives u alot of board control & if u have some burst in ur hand u can finish the game in 2 turns after u played the fel reaver easily.
Here is the deck & some stats. I played around the
60 games in
347 minutesDeck: