silentsword07;34597 thats great news.
so then when i goto to create a deck using the Find my best deck and i select paladin then select aggro ... how do i know its giving me one of the best ones? when i click find its always the same.
furthermore, it would be much helpful to have a deckrulefile accompany the deck. so if i select aggro deck it would work with it.
or am i asking too much?
[Find my best deck] always returns the best deck list according to your conditions (ex: paladin, aggro), the deck list is sorted with calculated deck value (from high to low), and it could contain hundreds of decks if you have decent card collection, you may need to click [next] deck many times to find your favorite deck.
I recommend you to use deck filter, with locking one or two key cards, you can find your desired deck easier.
Each deck has different play style and different key cards, the best deck rule only can be created by your own knowledge of the specified deck, or other professional players if they like to share it.
I'm working on next version of deck rule, it will be more easier for sharing and more powerful.