Payday is today and I am torn between buying lifetime HearthRanger or my first wing on Hearthstone (Going for Naxx)
I am running Mech Warrior right now and Rank 12 is as high as I can get myself; I would be willing to concede to rank 15 or 20 to get Ranked wins because thats one of the reasons I am contemplating buying HR; ranked wins while I sleep.
I do not have ANY Hearthstone expansions and no Legendaries. I am rather new (and my money is extremely tied up right now) but I have extra money to spend this week and I am deciding on what to spend it on. Expansions or HearthRanger?
Can you guys help me decide which would be the better option?
I am really swaying away from HearthRanger because I am having so many problems. Last night I turned it on before I went to bed on Unranked Play - Casual - and woke up with 10 wins. I should get more than 10 wins in 4 hours shouldn't I? I am running the trial version obviously which is why it was 10 wins.
I am thinking maybe I don't have everything set up correctly. I am not using AutoClassSwitcher (only control warrior is on there anyway) but I am using Silverfish. the Silver.exe starts everytime I start HR. I am using the mulligans and combos txt most recently updated on the sticky in the other forum. I asked about this in particular in another thread but I'll add this as well
I am only these
these deck rules is something set up incorrectly to only be seeing those with Silverfish? and I use Rush because I am using a Mech Warrior. Should I be using the Default or?
I am starting to thinking something is set up incorrectly for this to be happening. I really feel like my problem is the picture above. I need a new DeckRuleFile. Or my own mulligans for Mech Warrior? I just have no idea where to start.
Last night I was expecting to get more wins than 10 in 4 hours; this can;t be the norm.
EDIT: Accidentally posted too soon
Let's say every game is roughly 10 minutes in 4 hours thats 24 games. I guess it actually isn't that bad is it? And am I being too friendly with the roughly 10 minutes? Some games are longer I guess. I would just like another person or twos' opinion on if I am doing anything wrong and if I should buy an expansion and a wing of LoE and create a more viable rank deck or HR. To be honest I would rather get 500 wins in Ranked than Rank 5 this month. I can aim for that AFTER I get 500 wins and start on a new class because I will have the gold/cards/dust to create one; I certainly don't now.
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