I tried to use these legendary names but the but reports error on these names only:
$(Emperor Thaurissan)
$(Mogor the Ogre)
$(Troggzor the Earthinator)
Its alright with all other legendary names:
enemy battlefield has card named $(Deathwing) or $(Thaddius) or $(Alexstrasza) or $(Cenarius) or $(King Krush) or $(Lord Jaraxxus) or $(Majordomo Executus) or $(Mal'Ganis) or $(Malygos) or $(Mekgineer Thermaplugg) or $(Nefarian) or $(Nozdormu) or $(Onyxia) or $(Ysera) or $(Chromaggus) or $(Foe Reaper 4000) or $(Grommash Hellscream) or $(Gruul) or $(Kel'Thuzad) or $(Sneed's Old Shredder) or $(Tirion Fordring) or $(V-07-TR-0N) or $(Archmage Antonidas) or $(Baron Geddon) or $(Dr. Boom) or $(Flame Leviathan) or $(Gahz'rilla) or $(Malorne) or $(Neptulon) or $(Prophet Velen) or $(Rend Blackhand) or $(Cairne Bloodhoof) or $(Gazlowe) or $(Gelbin Mekkatorque) or $(Hogger) or $(Illidan Stormrage) or $(Iron Juggernaut) or $(Maexxna) or $(Sylvanas Windrunner) or $(Toshley) or $(Trade Prince Gallywix) or $(Blingtron 3000) or $(Bolvar Fordragon) or $(Captain Greenskin) or $(Elite Tauren Chieftain) or $(Feugen) or $(Feugen) or $(Harrison Jones) or $(Hemet Nesingwary) or $(Leeroy Jenkins) or $(Loatheb) or $(Magmatron) or $(Magmatron) or $(Magmaw) or $(Mimiron's Head) or $(Stalagg) or $(Stalagg) or $(Vol'jin) or $(Baine Bloodhoof) or $(Baron Rivendare) or $(Old Murk-Eye) or $(Edwin VanCleef) or $(Electron) or $(Gyth) or $(King Mukla) or $(Tinkmaster Overspark) or $(Millhouse Manastorm) or $(The Beast) or $(Al'Akir the Windlord) or $(Al'Akir the Windlord) or $(The Black Knight) or $(Ragnaros the Firelord) or $(Emperor Thaurissan)
Its when I want to use the card Rend Blackhand. Unfortunately there is no $(Legendary) tag. I think these 3 legendary names are not added correctly in the bot or something? At least they are not recognized here. I use the latest version of the bot.