JoyAdmin;25367 wrote:Looks like the .net framework runtime may not properly installed on your computer.
You can try to turn off silverfish and use default A.I, if it still not works, try to re-install .net framework 4.0.
I uninstalled .net framework 4.5.1 and reinstalled it. Now the bot is mulliganing again (granted in a strange way - for example it had a 1 mana drop, a 2 mana drop, and 2 3 mana drops and it mulliganed both the 3 drops) and it seems to be playing cards/attacking again.
Hopefully the .net framework stuff fixed it.
Edit: I have noticed that it seems to be taking quite a bit of time to figure out what moves to play. I might have to adjust the number of calculations from 400 down to something lower. I'm not sure why it would be any slower then usual but will see how it works out.