I had the most success using control decks with these rules:
you can find the control-mage deck I use at the bottom of this post.
For control decks:
1) Best cards are those which can take out multiple cards.
For example the Harvest Golem. It's a 2/3 for 3 but after its death a 2/1 spawns.
This basically means the enemy has to run 2 cards in to destroy it.
2) I don't understand what you mean with card-text..
The bot dies not read the card texts... It knows what they do.
How to use them is defined in the rule-set you chose.
3) I had the most success with control-mage.
It offers some good removal cards to take out the nasty enemies and it's hero ability is perfect for a control deck.
Control deck means that you build your strategy around controlling the board. Which means you always try to maintain the advantage in the amount and strength of minions over the enemy and when you have the board advantage you go for face.
Hope this could help you.
If someone sees mistakes in what I've written. Please correct me.
Sorry for the German names, I use the German Client.
~55% winrate
Frostblitz x2
Flammenstoß x2
Feuerball x2
Verwandlung x2
Arkane Explosion x2
Ingenieurslehrling x2
Koboldgeomant x2
Säurehaltiger Schlamm x1
Blutelfenklerikerin x2
Erntegolem x2
Manawyrm x2
Eiswindyeti x2
Azurblauer Drache x2
Wasserelementar x2
Gurubashiberserker x1
Amaniberserker x1
Panischer Kodo x1