The board was like this: (I was mage) - with their current health:
My side:
mana vyrm (1/3) - mana vyrm (1/3)
Ironbeak Owl (2/1) - Sylvanas Windrunner (5/4) - ancient of lore (5/1)
In my hand I had:
arcane golem (4/2) charge
argent commander (4/2) charge shield
bot attacked with both vyrms killing Ironbeak owl and ancient of lore
(1 mana vyrm left). Then bot cast argent commander and attacked sylvanas, thus I lost argent commander (50/50 chance). Instead the best play wold had been arcane golem, so only the vyrm wold be taken, istead of the stronger argent commander. Else killing both wyrms and then opoent got nothing after killing sylvanas.
here are my logs: