I have some mulligan rules set, it follows them, then it appears to un select them and just keep the hand. My guess is it's running through the rules twice somehow?
I read somewhere that I should put "USE DEFAULT MULLIGAN RULES No" in the GlobalRule tab. Doesn't appear to change anything.
Mulligan Rules
//If text in cell starts with '//', then it's comment.
//Highest priority mulligan rules will be matched first.
//if mulligan rule is blank, bot will replace all the cards with cost>=4
//KEEP IT IF command has higher priority than REPLACE IF command
//Color key:
//Green = Title
//Brown = card
//Yellow = code
//Cards to never get rid of
Mana Wyrm 220 KEEP IT IF *
Mechwarper 220 KEEP IT IF *
Clockwork Gnome 220 KEEP IT IF *
Archmage Antonidas 220 KEEP IT IF *
//Cards to NEVER keep
Ice Lance 220 REPLACE IF *
Frostbolt 220 REPLACE IF *
//General rules
any card 220 REPLACE IF this card itself with $cost>2
any card 220 REPLACE IF my hand has no card named $(Mechwarper) or my hand has no card named $(Archmage Antonidas)
//Enemy is warrior
Snowchugger 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $warrior
Frostbolt 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $warrior
//Enemy is shamman
//Enemy is rougue
Snowchugger 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $rogue
Frostbolt 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $rogue
//Enemy is paladin
Snowchugger 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $paladin
Frostbolt 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $paladin
//Enemy is hunter
Snowchugger 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $hunter
Frostbolt 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $hunter
//Enemy is druid *
Snowchugger 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $druid
Frostbolt 220 KEEP IT IF enemy hero is $druid