Thank you for expanding the free open beta phase. On with the findings :-)
One serious detection problem seems to have been introduced lately (or maybe it only wasn't so severe before?).
I got 2 friend requests because of that last weekend. At least i suppose it's because of that:
The bot often interrupts itself in the middle of an action. Normally, when something significant has changed
on the board: a minion died or a minion was summoned. Then the bot aborts the targeting (spell or minion),
calculates the new action, and then actually plays. This often leads to a sequence, that is screaming "bot", more
than ever before. Because this leads to equal play timings of about 4 (!) seconds, not the well known 2 seconds
delay from other bots! Lets assume 4 small enemy minions, that are all killed like this:
Mortal coil starting, aborting, waiting, killing (4 seconds), mortal coil starting, aborting, waiting, killing (4 seconds),
attacking with minion 1, aborting, waiting, killing (4 seconds), attacking with minion 2, aborting, waiting, killing
(4 seconds).
I don't know, what the other player sees, but i think he even sees the aborting. Now imagine all the same play
and timing all over the whole game. That's scary. I even think of starting one or two new accounts, just to increase
the chance of surviving the next ban wave ...
Two other easily spotable situations are coming on top of this: soulfire: the old move isn't correctly aborted (no right
click?), so the next click completes (!) the targeting. This leads to damaging the own hero or an own minion.
Second situation is something like a spell, which needs targeting: if the bot aborts the targeting, because there is no
target left and he therefore wants to end the turn: then the red arrow goes all the way to the end turn button.
Please have a look into this, because making the injection safer is fine, but if this leads to more friend requests and
possible reportings, nothing seems to be gained. The normal speed for actions without aborting is fine, way better
than the old 2 seconds. The only other remaining timing problem is the long waiting time with large boards and
clear lethal. It's not human to wait so long when the enemy has let's say 1 life left and you have five minions on the
board. Then the card hovering backfires, because otherwise the opponent could think of you doing something else
in between turns.
I have also one AI problem :-)
If you have let's say one soulfire and one doomguard in hand, the bot blocks himself from playing and therefore
looses after some turns: he doesn't play soulfire nor doomguard nor life taps, because he is afraid of loosing cards.
He only plays the new card, that you get each turn.