There are over 50 kinds of different hearthstone bots over the internet, I don't think blizzard has interest to identify them one by one, and more bots will come out in the future.
From my opinion, the most wrong thing crawler did is that it almost tears the game apart, all actions are done by directly low layer package sending, so game server must received many unacceptable package and it's impossible from normal game client. Second wrong thing I think is the fast mode, people are so easy to identify the opponent is a bot, it never mouse moves, it never hover over cards, and almost no arrows.
What hearthranger can achieve now is from server side and bot's opponent, it's 100% normal working, since all actions are done by mouse simulation just as you operate it by mouse.
Next update I'll add full mouse path moving option, after that it's almost impossible for your opponent to identify it's a bot or not.