Thanks I will look forward to the new devlopments.
Problems I am noticing in 1.6.3 are:
1. It killed all the enemy minions around the enemy Kel' Thuzad but didn't kill him. I would have killed it with a fireball and a running the harvest golem it used to clear a sheep into it.
2. It doesnt seem to want to use flamestrike: i saw it play an azure drake and ping face, when the hunter opponent had 3 minions on board with health less than 4, he killed me next turn
3. It is very reluctant to fire a spell at the other heroes face e.g. it wanted to run my Alex into a shieldmasta, fireball a 7/4 and play a sludge belcher - lethal was to sheep the shieldmasta, run Alex and a fireball to face and ping or frostbolt the last point of health off the enemy
4 It doesnt seem to want to use arcane missiles when the enemy board has one or more 1 to 2 health minions
5 It keeps all the cards at the mulligan, even ones it cant play until much later.
The deck is (deck in text format):
Arcane Missiles
Arcane Missiles
Mana Wyrm
Mana Wyrm
Water Elemental
Water Elemental
Mad Scientist
Mad Scientist
Unstable Ghoul
Unstable Ghoul
Acolyte of Pain
Harvest Golem
Azure Drake
Azure Drake
Sludge Belcher
Sludge Belcher
I dont have counterspell or pyroblast, so I subbed in 2 undertakers and second harvest golem. I let the program run with the default rules.
The deck went 18/28 (64% winrate) on casual in the run. (Edit: end of run stats)
A bad defeat was to an inner fire combo wombo priest that managed to get its 5/5 light thingy to 40/40 as the bot repeatedly ignored it in the early game with a frostbolt and fireball in hand and once it got too big it didn't draw a poly. I think if the bot uses flamestrike and the missiles a bit more intelligently the deck could do well