the default zoo deck profile will use power overwelming extremely poorly
Heres an example
Turn 1, Uses the coin
Throws out void walker and undertaker
Turn 2 instead of throwing out haunted creeper to buff the undertaker it uses Power Overwelming (only 1 mana when it has 2 avail) on the underatker and attacks, killing the underatker and leaving 1 mana unused
A much better use of power overwelming would be on the eggs in the deck
the best possible use would be to use it on an egg, attack face, then put down a Void Terror to create a 7/9 or whatever minion.
but anyway yeah just wanted to point that out. I know its a bot but using power overwelming on an undertaker turn 2 when you could put down a DR minion and buff it/expand board control is a bad move